Stress is an emotional and physical reaction to an outward force or situation that makes you nervous, angry, or frustrated.
Stress is normal, everyone experiences stress. One result of being stress is an outburst. An outburst is considered a positive reaction, it is a way for your body to release stress.
There are also two types of stress:
Acute Stress
Acute stress is a type of stress that is experienced in a short time that goes away quickly. This type of stress is helpful in dangerous situations. It can also occur when you are excited or doing something new. Everyone experience acute stress in their life.
Whenourbodiesareunderstress, hormones are being released that cause our brain to be more alert, our muscles to tense, and our pulse to increase.
Chronic Stress
Chronic stress is a type of stress that is experienced for a longer time. This type of stress may result in anxiety and depression. This may be a result of a financial problem, heartbreak, work problem, or family problems. This type of stress can also lead to physical health problems.
When our bodies are under chronic stress, our brain stays alert even in the absence of danger. This may result in heart problems, high blood pressure, obesity, depression and anxiety, skin problems, and menstrual problems.
According to statistics, 21% of Canadians are experiencing extreme stress in their day to day lives. From ages 35 to 49 years old records the highest percentage of the stress of 28.3%.
Here are eight anti-stress activities that you can do when under stress:
- Exercise
One of the most effective ways of relieving stress is to exercise. Exercise helps in reducing your body’s stress hormones. Endorphins are being released when exercising which helps in having a good mood and helps in as a natural painkiller.
Exercise has also proven to improve your quality of sleep and increasing self-confidence.
There are online classes and applications that you can get to track your journey and motivate yourself from exercising. A simple walk with your dog or an early run around your neighborhood is an easy but effective way of starting your exercise routines.
- Spend quality time with family and friends
Invite your closest friends to a simple dinner and catch up with one another. Watch a movie with your entire family together in the living. Social support is important when you’re dealing with stress. Do not isolate yourself, but instead make an extra effort to be with someone who cares for you. Spending time with a loved one releases oxytocin which is our body’s natural stress reliever.
- Laugh
Laughing helps in relieving stress. It can also help release tension in your muscles. You can find a good movie or tv show that will make you laugh out loud. You can also hang out with your funny friends. According to studies, laughter can also lead to an improved immune system.
- Listen to good music
Listening to music has been proven to relieve stress. According to studies, music around 60 beats per minute causes our brain to synchronize to the beat causing alpha brainwaves. Alpha brainwaves are present when we feel relaxed and awake. Music provides relaxation that is attributed to meditation. The types of music that are proven to be effective in releasing stress are Native American, Celtic, Indian-stringed instruments, drums, and flutes when played in moderate volume. Rain, thunder, and nature sound mixed with light jazz and classical music are also considered as relaxing music or sounds.
- Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing exercise helps the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the body’s relaxation responses.
The role of deep breathing is to be aware of your breathing pattern making it slower and deeper. Breathing through the nose makes the lungs expand and the belly to rise. This helps in slowing down your heart rate and feeling at peace.
The types of breathing exercises are diaphragmatic breathing, abdominal breathing, belly breathing, and paced respiration.
- Physical Contact
Hugging, kissing, cuddling and sex helps in relieving stress. Physical contact releases oxytocin and lowers the cortisol level which helps in lowering blood sugar and heart rate.
- Avoid Procrastination
Staying on schedule with your tasks at work or home helps reduce your stress. Most stressors come from the feeling of being behind your daily works and schedules. Try making a to-do list to help you monitor your schedule every day.
- Write
To relieve stress, one must have an outlet. Emotions and thoughts that are unburdened from your mind will pile up and cause stress. Writing down your frustrations and stresses will help release it. Writing down the things that you are grateful for also helps to lift your mood. Gratefulness helps shift your focus from the negative things to the positive things. Stress is a common thing that everyone experiences. If your stress has been bothering you for a longer period, there is a walk-in clinic Hamilton available to help you with stress therapy and such. Always keep your mental health in check.